Last Update: 2021-01-03T23:53:24.209Z
Table of Contents
- Fossil Fuel’s gift to the world – modern society, powerful machines, 7+ billion people
- How many days of human labor is in a gallon of gasoline?
- What’s in Crude Oil? A lotta toxic stuff, Benzene, Tuolene, etc
- Health effects of fossil fuel consumption
- Peak Oil, Peak Natural Gas, Peak Resources, Peak Everything
- What happens when the power runs out? That is, when Peak Oil really bites us in the butt?
- Fracking's false oil-energy boom leading the world to financial collapse?
- Peak Oil 101 – Chris Martenson
- Peak Oil Reading List
- DON’T WORRY, DRIVE ON: Fossil Fools & Fracking Lies
- 300 Years of FOSSIL FUELS in 300 Seconds
- U.S. Military rethinking its energy policies; speech by Adm. Mullin at the Energy Security Forum of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Fueling the Future Force: Preparing the Department of Defense for a post-Petroleum era
- The oil companies keep winning as long as we keep giving them money
- Natural Gas – the Supposedly Clean Fossil Fuel
- Gasoline and Diesel
- What is the true price of gasoline? Should it cost $10 per gallon?
- Types of Crude Oil sources & constraints
- Extracting Crude Oil from the ground
- Transporting crude oil to refineries
- Refining crude oil to oil products
- Delivery to consumers
- Oil Products Consumption – burning gasoline, etc
- Crude Oil Dispersants – The main tool to mitigate crude oil spill disasters
- Coal
- Fracking – Hydraulic Fracturing – Acidizing
- Produced Water from Fracking operations
- Fracking (waste water injection) probably causes induced earthquakes
- Hydraulic Fracturing (fracturare hidraulica) in Romania’s shale gas (gaze de sist) formations
- United States State Department Bureau of Energy Resources – USAID
- Marathon Oil explains that Hydraulic Fracturing is safe and beneficial
- WARNING Fracking An Inconvenient Truth
- Truth about Fracking – Wes Wilson – Phil Doe
- Costs of Fracking for Oil and Gas
About the Author(s)