Last Update: July 25, 2015
Fueling the Future Force: Preparing the Department of Defense for a post-Petroleum era
U.S. Military rethinking its energy policies; speech by Adm. Mullin at the Energy Security Forum of the Joint Chiefs of Staff The oil companies keep winning as long as we keep giving them money
Table of Contents
- Fossil Fuel’s gift to the world – modern society, powerful machines, 7+ billion people
- How many days of human labor is in a gallon of gasoline?
- What’s in Crude Oil? A lotta toxic stuff, Benzene, Tuolene, etc
- Health effects of fossil fuel consumption
- Peak Oil, Peak Natural Gas, Peak Resources, Peak Everything
- What happens when the power runs out? That is, when Peak Oil really bites us in the butt?
- Fracking's false oil-energy boom leading the world to financial collapse?
- Peak Oil 101 – Chris Martenson
- Peak Oil Reading List
- DON’T WORRY, DRIVE ON: Fossil Fools & Fracking Lies
- 300 Years of FOSSIL FUELS in 300 Seconds
- U.S. Military rethinking its energy policies; speech by Adm. Mullin at the Energy Security Forum of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Fueling the Future Force: Preparing the Department of Defense for a post-Petroleum era
- The oil companies keep winning as long as we keep giving them money
- Natural Gas – the Supposedly Clean Fossil Fuel
- Gasoline and Diesel
- What is the true price of gasoline? Should it cost $10 per gallon?
- Types of Crude Oil sources & constraints
- Extracting Crude Oil from the ground
- Transporting crude oil to refineries
- Refining crude oil to oil products
- Delivery to consumers
- Oil Products Consumption – burning gasoline, etc
- Crude Oil Dispersants – The main tool to mitigate crude oil spill disasters
- Coal
- Fracking – Hydraulic Fracturing – Acidizing
- Produced Water from Fracking operations
- Fracking (waste water injection) probably causes induced earthquakes
- Hydraulic Fracturing (fracturare hidraulica) in Romania’s shale gas (gaze de sist) formations
- United States State Department Bureau of Energy Resources – USAID
- Marathon Oil explains that Hydraulic Fracturing is safe and beneficial
- WARNING Fracking An Inconvenient Truth
- Truth about Fracking – Wes Wilson – Phil Doe
- Costs of Fracking for Oil and Gas
Fueling the Future Force: Preparing the Department of Defense for a post-Petroleum era
About the Author(s)