Pages with tag EV Taxes
- Alternative Fuel Vehicle User Fee Options: A report exploring transportation infrastructure user fee options for alternative fuel vehicles in Vermont, focusing primarily on electric vehicles, but with some discussion of compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles.
- Arizona 2012 HB 2257 per-mile tax on electric vehicles
- Arizona 2012 HB2257 vehicle mileage tax for electric vehicles
- Big Brother concerns with collecting vehicle miles traveled taxes: Taxing on vehicle miles traveled fairly connects the tax to actual use, but the devil is in the details of how such a tax will be collected.
- California AB 204 would increase registration fees on green cars
- HB 2660: Addressing transportation revenue (Washington State): Legislation which passed in 2012 imposing a $100/year registration fee for electric cars.
- History of EV tax proposals across the US: What has been happening
- Indiana SB613 proposes fees for alternate fuels and electric vehicles
- Kansas 2012 HB2455 tax on electricity for electric cars
- Michigan 2013 HB4608 adding registration fees for electric vehicles: Adds $75/year to registration fees for electric cars, $25/year for PHEV's.
- Mileage-Based User Fees for Transportation Funding; A Primer for State and Local Decisionmakers: A RAND Corp study on transportation system funding in the light of increasing fuel efficiency.
- NC SB710 Fair Share Contribution for Elect. Vehicles.: Imposes a $100 yearly additional registration fee on electric vehicles
- NJ S2531 Establishes mileage-based fee on passenger vehicles; excempts them from motor fuels tax: Eliminates the gasoline tax, meaning it's a big gift to gasoline, while imposing a per-mile fee. The per-mile fee is based on self-reported vehicle miles traveled.
- Oregon Road User Fee Task Force
- PEV Collaborative Transportation Funding Consensus Statement: A white paper by the Plug-in Electric Vehicle Collaborative concerning funding of the highway system.
- Report of Minnesota's Mileage-Based User Fee Policy Task Force: Minnesota has a task force considering how to collect a mileage-based user fee (MBUF) as a way to comprehensively rethink the transportation funding system. In December 2011 the task force published a paper giving recommendations of how to approach this problem.
- SB 5251: Imposing an additional vehicle license fee on electric vehicles. (Washington State)
- Tax Policies and green transportation, to encourage adoption, or to fund the roads
- Texas proposals for electric vehicle taxes and fees
- Transportation Fuel taxes in the U.S., Canada, Australia, etc: Various governments around the world use different methods to fund their highway systems.
- Vehicle Excise Duty: A flat yearly registration fee for car ownership.
- Vehicle miles traveled tax: Car ownership fees based on how far the car is driven .. the US gasoline tax is effectively a vehicle miles traveled tax.
- Virginia proposal to eliminate the gas tax replacing with $100 per vehicle flat fee
- Virginia's Road to the Future Governor McDonnell's 2013 Transportation Funding and Reform Package
- What's problem electrified vehicles cause for highway funding: Does the shift to electrified vehicles cause a problem in funding the highway system?
- When should changes to highway system funding be enacted: Many say it's too early right now to make changes, because there aren't enough EV's on the road yet.