SB 5251: Imposing an additional vehicle license fee on electric vehicles. (Washington State)
+David Herron; Date: 2021-01-03T23:53:30.233Z
Tags: EV Taxes
This is a proposal in Washington State to enact a per-vehicle tax on electric vehicles. The original text is included below. They have developed various ammendments and on April 27 a more reasonable version of the bill passed the Washington State Senate. It's still up for consideration in the State Legislature.
A statement on the Plug-in America website agrees that "that EV owners will need to eventually pay their fair share" but not now, not yet. The price of EV's is still at a premium over gasoline cars, and they're currently in a state of needing incentives not taxes. Of course vehicle owners must pay for their part of road costs.
Sec. 1. The legislature recognizes that the motor vehicle fuel tax is the primary source of funding for the state's transportation system. As the state's fleet changes from motor vehicles powered by traditional sources, such as gasoline and diesel, to those powered by electricity, the ability of the state to fund the maintenance and preservation of the transportation system is compromised. In order to mitigate the impacts of the diminishing motor vehicle fuel tax, and to create a system where each driver pays for a fair portion of his or her use of the road, an additional fee is imposed on electric vehicles.
Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter 46.17 RCW 15 to read as follows:
(1) Before accepting an application for a vehicle registration for an electric vehicle that uses propulsion units powered solely by electricity, the department, county auditor or other agent, or subagent appointed by the director shall require the applicant to pay a one hundred dollar fee in addition to any other fees and taxes required by law. The one hundred dollar fee is due at the time of initial vehicle registration and annual registration renewal.
(2) The fee under this section is imposed to provide funds to mitigate the impact of vehicles on state roads and highways, and is separate and distinct from other vehicle license fees. Proceeds from the fee must be used for highway purposes, and must be deposited in the motor vehicle fund created in RCW 46.68.070.
SB 5251: Imposing an additional vehicle license fee on electric vehicles. (Washington State)