HB 2660: Addressing transportation revenue (Washington State)
+David Herron; Date: 2021-01-03T23:53:30.233Z
Tags: EV Taxes
Legislation which passed in 2012 imposing a $100/year registration fee for electric cars.
In 2012 the Washington State Legislature passed HB 2660 which covered a range of tweaks to transportation system revenue. The final bill report noted that 85% of funding for the statewide transportation system came from a variety of taxes, license fees, permit fees imposed on fuels, vehicles and drivers. Of that 59% comes from fuel taxes and 21% comes from licenses, permits and fees.
That law included a new tax of $100 on electric vehicles that is charged along with the yearly vehicle registration renewal. It applies to any electric vehicle with a speed over 35 miles/hr, and the fee went into effect starting on Feb 1, 2013.
The fee is due to expire on the effective date of any legislation in Washington that imposes a vehicle-miles-traveled tax or fee.
Legislative website:
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Bill as passed by legislature, and
Final bill report