Why and how to joyfully move our butts around town, without mucking the place up.

Changing the transportation normalthink

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Tags: Lifestyle

The prevailing consensus opinion in the mass consciousness of our society seems to say the normal way to transport our butts around town is with a car that burns gasoline. The meme is one of freedom, driving anywhere you want to go, any time you want to go, just take off and hit the open road. Never mind that the roads are clogged with other people sharing the same dream, and never mind that the dream is causing us to choke on our own exhaust. That's the meme and the road to heck is paved with the best of intentions, as they say.

Normalthink is the word I use to refer to the prevailing mass consensus opinion (see [ (www.7gen.com) http://www.7gen.com/blog/20080920/24912-normalthink TechnoSanity #11: Normalthink, the way "everybody" behaves]). The word pretty much says what it means, the thinking pattern everybody agrees is "normal".

The quest to change the transportation system means, in part, challenging the transportation normalthink, and adopting a healthier normalthink.

There's really nothing wrong or abnormal that a society has normalthink. Where there are problems is when a given normalthink is unhealthy.

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