North Carolina Plug-In Electric Vehicle (PEV) Readiness Plans
+David Herron; Date: 2021-01-03T23:53:23.989Z
Tags: EV Readiness
A series of planning documents from across North Carolina showing the readiness to adopt electric vehicles.
Source website:
Key Findings from the NC PEV Roadmap
- Records from the NC Department of Motor Vehicles revealed more than 700 PEVs are registered in North Carolina as of August 2012 and estimates from the Electric Power Research Institute indicate there will be more than 750,000 PEVs on the road by 2030!
- Data collected through the Infrastructure Working Group show there are 350 public and 170 private charging stations in North Carolina.
- An analysis of PEV incentives, including a survey of fleet managers provides recommendations on the types of incentives beneficial for North Carolina.
- Review of policies, codes and standards, includes recommendations for updates to local zoning ordinances, municipal codes, historic districts, sign requirements; encroachment agreement processes, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
- Education and Outreach needs were addressed through identifying target audiences and key messaging.