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Connected Car and Intelligent Transportation System Research

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U.S. Department of Transportation's Connected Vehicle Safety Pilot Model Deployment Program

Managed by the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute

GM Connected Vehicle Development Enters Critical Phase Collaborative project to test vehicle-to-vehicle communications on Ann Arbor roads (media.gm.com) media.gm.com August, 2012, V2V_Pilot_Program

Traffic accidents may cease due to connected vehicle research in Ann Arbor MI GM and other automakers are working with U of Michigan researchers on connected vehicle research aimed to collect data on vehicle-to-vehicle communication, which could reduce or eliminate traffic jams, traffic accidents, increase the efficiency of driving, reducing fuel use, and usher in a wave of robotically driven cars. (www.torquenews.com) torquenews.com traffic-accidents-may-cease-due-connected-vehicle-research

Ann Arbor to test cars talking to each other and avoiding crashes Cars that talk to each other, vehicle-to-vehicle communication, could reduce or eliminate traffic jams, traffic accidents, increase the efficiency of driving, reducing fuel use, and usher in a wave of robotically driven cars, if a test in Ann Arbor Michigan goes as planned. (www.torquenews.com) torquenews.com ann-arbor-test-cars-talking-each-other-and-avoiding-crashes

Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications technology.

V2V communication allows vehicles to send and receive from each other basic information such as location, speed and direction of travel. V2I communication shares information about traffic signal phase, road attributes and surface conditions. Each technology has the potential to mitigate traffic collisions and congestion. Together, they can be integrated with active safety features, such as forward collision warning and side blind zone alert, already available on many production cars.

The V2V vehicles GM is providing use production-viable integrated systems capable of sending and receiving information from other vehicles, and warning drivers when potential for a collision is detected.

For the V2I portion of the program, 73 lane-miles of Ann Arbor roadway have been instrumented with 29 roadside-equipment installations. The transportation department selected the college town for the program due to its traffic mix, variety of roadway types and characteristics, seasonal weather and proximity to vehicle manufacturers and suppliers.

Cars that avoid crashes by talking to each other (phys.org) http://phys.org/news/2012-06-cars.html

The future of automotive safety is coming this summer to the U.S.: Cars that to talk to each other and warn drivers of impending collisions.

The U.S. government is launching a yearlong, real-world test involving nearly 3,000 cars, trucks and buses using volunteer drivers in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The vehicles will be equipped to continuously communicate over wireless networks, exchanging information on location, direction and speed 10 times a second with other similarly equipped cars within about 1,000 feet (300 meters). A computer analyzes the information and issues danger warnings to drivers, often before they can see the other vehicle.
