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Pages with tag Shell Eco-Marathon

  • UC Berkeley, CSU Sacramento and Cal Poly Set to Compete Ultra-Energy-Efficient Vehicles at Sonoma Raceway: The Shell Eco-marathon is coming to Sonoma Raceway, a racetrack that has done more than most to sponsor electric racing activities. While many of the Shell Eco-marathon teams are running on gasoline, and are competing to set high fuel efficiency marks, some are powered on electricity. The Eco-marathon is a chance for student teams to get hands-on engineering experience, in a competitive setting, with the goal being to set the highest energy efficiency. That this is running on a 0.9 mile course says the teams will not use the main track at Sonoma Raceway. Instead there is a go-kart track on the site which looks to fit the description of 0.94 miles with 5 turns.