Why and how to joyfully move our butts around town, without mucking the place up.

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Pages with tag Electric Car History

  • An EV1 was resurrected after GM crushed them all: Famously General Motors crushed the EV1 fleet shortly after the California Air Resources Board changed the ZEV rules to eliminate the EV Mandate. For a few years, the California EV mandate had the automakers developing electric cars, and leasing them to the public, one of which was the EV1. As soon as the mandate was rescinded, the automakers responded by canceling those programs. In the case of General Motors, they called back the EV1 fleet and crushed most of the cars. A few survived uncrushed, however GM put on restrictions preventing the uncrushed cars from being driven on the road. A couple were resurrected counter to GM restrictions, however.
  • The Slaby-Beringer electric car -- Innovative and revolutionary in its day